
Species Notes based on experiences:
Bull Snakes can be a mixed bag of a snake to keep. Some animals are totally tame and trustworthy. Easily comparable to a Corn Snake or Dione’s Rat Snake but just on a much grander scale. This a large powerful snake as a adult and could easily intimidate the less experienced keeper. The more breeders are working with Bull snakes the more naturally tame they are slowly becoming. If bought as a baby both the snake and keeper have time to get used to one another. Some examples regardless of interaction levels will maintain a distain for their human. To say that Bull snakes are ready feeders isn’t doing them justice they are eating machines. This species responds well to seasonal cues and is an unproblematic species to breed in captivity. Some animals may show heightened aggression within the enclosure in the form of hissing or rapid flinching movements. This is nearly always bluff and bites are rare. Even animals that are totally tame once out of the vivarium can remain vocal within it. Bull snakes have become one of the most genetically prolific of the Pituophis with many fabulous colour mutations available. All snakes from the genus Pituophis have a specialised rostral (nose) scale that is enlarged and toughened. This is a tool used for digging. Rather than simply using other animal’s premade burrows these snakes are more than capable of digging their own. Pituophis snakes will always settle more in vivariums with some form of subterranean level to retreat to should the mood take them.
Score analysis:
When considering temperament, on occasion Bull Snakes can be a handful. Vocal and irritable animals do occur but in the main if handled regularly they become used to human interaction, begrudgingly. One must keep in mind this kind of behaviour if it occurs happens through fear. It is important the snake learns to not fear you. Defensive behaviours such as hissing, gaping of the mouth, flopping of the tongue and a rigid body stance may be seen. Also this snake has well developed anal musk glands that can be used which omit a foul odour. Defensive behaviours rarely include biting. This is not a snake that is quick to bite and would sooner use its full arsenal of other behaviours first. We have scored this species 60%, this is a relatively low score and would be keepers should bear this in mind. You are just likely effectively to find a tame animal as you are a grumpy one. This score has actually improved from where it was say 10-15 years ago where more than likely the score would have been sub 50%. This is thanks to the huge amount of work being done with the species to expose genetic colour forms. The more generations produced generally the calmer snakes become.
Territory disputes are more likely to occur than temperament issues. Regardless of how long you have had your Bull Snake they never seem fond of being disturbed and can be quite vocal about it. Usually this is bluff (the equivalent of a human noisily complaining) but this abates the moment the snake is removed from the enclosure. Some specimens may become very agitated and vocal throwing their body around the enclosure hissing loudly and mock striking. Owing the likelihood of some of these behaviours occurring this snake may be better suited to older teens or adults rather than children.
Bull Snakes are serious tough snakes. Their strong hold is across the Great Plains of the American Mid West. Hot summers and freezing winters are all taken in the Bull Snakes stride. This snake is supremely forgiving and finds a way to thrive in even the most questionable of setups. They shed well and normal room levels, they do not succumb to illnesses easily at all. Immuno-strength wise almost the perfect snake.
Bull Snakes have the potential to become serious lumps later in life. Maximum quoted size is north of 8ft. Larger adults have considerable girth and mass. This is an impressive snake. The likelihood is you will end up with a snake between 5.5-7ft in length. This is still a fair bit bigger than rank beginners and small children may be comfortable with. May be better suited to older teenagers and adults with a reasonable amount of confidence.
This website does not give out 100% scores lightly. The Bull snake has 2 100% statistics. This is impressive. Bull Snakes are eating machines. They love food and grow rapidly. Care must be taken not to create obese animals. Reliability wise with feeding and health this is a nigh on operfect snake. If only they weren’t as grumpy in the vivarium they would have scored so much higher. This score over all may paint a picture that over time will become less and less representative of Bull Snakes as future generations continue to calm down.
Enclosure recommendations:
This species is not suitable for keeping in a tub long term
150cm x 60cm x 60cm
Budget rig: -
60cm x 30cm heat pad
On / off thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Warm hide
Cool hide
Water bowl
Recommended rig (vivarium only): -
250w ceramic heat emitter
Ceramic lamp holder and bracket
Bulb guard
Day night thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Various logs and caves along the thermal gradient
Damp hide (optional)
Climbing and exercise branches
Plants and foliage (live or artificial – your choice)
Water bowl
UVB light (8w T5 shade dweller 7% kit from Arcadia or equivalent) (optional)
Subterranean section to vivarium for further psychological security (optional)
Climate analysis:
As discussed on other care guides animals originating from the Great Plains of the American Mid West are as tough as old boots. Winter lows can dip as far as -10°c or more. Single freak lows could reach -20°c. To be cold blooded and able to survive this makes the resilience of the Bull Snake a real strength. Day time temperatures that allow for hunting may be limited to only 6 months of the year in Northern parts of the range. This potentially explains why Bull Snakes feed with such vigour. To be able to ensure good fertility keepers wanting to breed their Bull Snakes should offer their animals a prolonged and relatively deep brumation. This will help to ensure a high sperm count in the male snakes.
You would be right to approach the keeping of this species with caution. It is perfectly likely you could end up with a tame snake that you can work with at ease. Unfortunately it is also likely that you may end up with a grumpy vocal and fast snake as well. Definitely better suited to older teens or adults owing to these traits. We would encourage would be keepers to meet their potential pet first and ensure it can be handled prior to purchase. There are now a range of colour mutations that are fast gaining popularity in the hobby. They are all reasonably priced also. This is a species whose popularity is on the rise rather than fading like so many others. It is just a shame that this is based upon colour mutations being present.
