Charles dedicates this website to:
This website is dedicated to my father. A wonderful, kind man who I loved deeply. I am convinced had my father not died prematurely of Cancer at 54 years of age he would have been a published author. He was robbed of his chance to achieve this goal and I have chosen to share the knowledge contained within this website in his honour.
I also dedicate this website to anyone touched by the ravages of cancer and the indelible mark it leaves on the lives of our families.
Enjoy the website
Charles Edward Thompson, 2019

Charles would like to thank :
My Wife Nicola, the love of my life. Supporter and sufferer of all my mad ideas. Without you and the rock you are this would not have been possible. I love you, Thank you.
My Sons Kristian & Cole, two young men who never cease to amaze me with their capacity for kindness and love. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had a hand in you growing up. I love you both, Thank you.
My Mother Lesley, a support like no other. You helped me develop my love of reptiles and endured my nagging and many various road trips to god knows where. I love you, Thank you
Chris Mattison, Linda and John Bird, who helped me as a young keeper to develop and nurtured my love of these animals. I Love you, Thankyou.

Francis Cosquieri, for your patience with us sending you endless reams of manuscript to read. Your input has been of great value to us and helped shape the book (website).
John Courteney-Smith, for you advice time and encouragement. It was of great value to us.
Candice Perkins, for proof reading the manuscripts and providing some superb photography to the project.
Matthew Most (Sarpramitra), for looking over the whole site and coming back with great critique. Also for the provision of superb animal photography.
Sid James, for your advice regarding publication and sharing valuable and private tips on how to get things done. Your input has been of great value to me and helped shape the website.
Hannah Wilkinson, for proof reading and helping to work out the order of the website from a lay mans perspective.
Tom Danchon, for proof reading and offering a considered and much appreciated opinions and suggestions on the project whilst reserving judgment of the subject matter.
Thank You All.

Miami Corn Snake (Pantherophis guttatus)