Species Notes based on experiences:
Sonora Gopher Snakes have never been as readily available as the San Diego Gopher Snake. There are many parallels to their cousins and in many respects they are similar. They generally maybe slightly less tame and more territorial; as a result of less work being done with them in the hobby as a whole. With time though this snake can become wonderfully tame and actually has a more attractive pattern and colour palette than its cousin. Over time yellow begin to develop and they really are attractive adults. As adults you can see the similarities to the Bull Snake. It is a real shame this species never caught on as widely. Arguably one of the hardiest of the Gopher Snakes. As with many species of Pituophis this snake is a specialised burrower and offering a subterranean section to the vivarium can really help with psychological security.
Score analysis:
When considering temperament, on occasion Sonora Gopher Snakes can be a handful. Vocal and irritable animals do occur but in the main if handled regularly they become used to human interaction, begrudgingly. One must keep in mind this kind of behaviour if it occurs happens through fear. It is important the snake learns to not fear you. Defensive behaviours such as hissing, gaping of the mouth, flopping of the tongue and a rigid body stance may be seen. Also this snake has well developed anal musk glands that can be used which omit a foul odour. Defensive behaviours rarely include biting. This is not a snake that is quick to bite and would sooner use its full arsenal of other behaviours first. We have scored this species 75%, this is a respectable score and this should aid confidence. Although interactions with Sonora Gopher Snakes have been limited I have always found them to be one of the more laid back subspecies.
Territory disputes are more likely to occur than temperament issues. Regardless of how long you have had your Gopher Snake they never seem fond of being disturbed and can be quite vocal about it. Usually this is bluff (the equivalent of a human noisily complaining) but this abates the moment the snake is removed from the enclosure. Some specimens may become very agitated and vocal throwing their body around the enclosure hissing loudly and mock striking. Generally though Sonora Gopher Snakes are relatively laid back and they are of a more manageable adult size than say the Pine Snakes or Bull Snakes.
The Sonora desert is not an easy place to exist. Extreme heat and in particular areas of their range serious cold too. As with all Pituophis this is tough snake that does not fall ill easily and can be relied upon to be a strong pet.
With a mature size of around 5ft in length Sonora Gopher snakes are manageable. Slightly larger than a Corn Snake but much stronger this is a substantial snake to hold without becoming overawing at any point. They are active and inquisitive animals and as such tame examples make truly fabulous pets.
A common thread with all Pituophis is their appetite. They love their food. They are large youngsters that grow fast and develop well. Take care not to create an obese animal as this will only serve to curtail their lifespan.
Enclosure recommendations:
This species is not suitable for keeping in a tub long term
150cm x 60cm x 60cm
Budget rig: -
60cm x 30cm heat pad
On / off thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Warm hide
Cool hide
Water bowl
Recommended rig (vivarium only): -
250w ceramic heat emitter
Ceramic lamp holder and bracket
Bulb guard
Day night thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Various logs and caves along the thermal gradient
Damp hide (optional)
Climbing and exercise branches
Plants and foliage (live or artificial – your choice)
Water bowl
UVB light (8w T5 shade dweller 7% kit from Arcadia or equivalent) (optional)
Subterranean section to vivarium for further psychological security (optional)
Climate analysis:
Extreme fluctuations from winter to summer will see this species modulate between nocturnal (summer nights), crepuscular (Spring and Autumn dawn and dusks) and diurnal (winter days). Many desert species behave in a similar manner. Certain regions will slow down rather than brumate properly. Areas which are more exposed will force the snake to ground for up to 3 months. In the UK we would always recommend cooling your snake down for at least 2 months coupled with the cessation of feeding. This will help to stimulate sperm count and egg production respectively in your animals.
One of the more suitable Pituophis for younger keepers. At the manageable end of the size spectrum coupled with one of the calmest dispositions this can be a truly fantastic pet. Pituophis however are simply not as naturally tame from birth as other genus of snakes. Take the time to meet the snake you are to keep prior to purchase. Some snakes remain defensive and secretive throughout life. It is just one of those things.