Species Notes based on experiences:
Possibly the rarest of the ‘getula’ King Snakes in the UK hobby. Either that or unknowingly being miss-sold as Mexican Black Kingsnakes. Eastern Black King Snakes are highly variable animals. Some animals are solid black (hence why they are sold as the much sought after Mexican Black King Snake) others are lightly speckled with yellow dots with the delicacy of a spiders web. Other animals can be almost carbon copies of Desert King Snakes with heavy patterning. Of each of the three baby photographs shown, they were all siblings.
Score analysis:
Baby Eastern Black King Snakes can be nervous in the hand. They rattle their tail readily and it is very common to be defecated upon through fear. This is normal for a lot of baby King Snakes though so should not be considered out of the ordinary. Most of the time Eastern Black King Snakes grow up to be an absolute pleasure to work with becoming tame and inquisitive snakes.
The occasionally nervous nature of the young can make them highly defensive in the enclosure. Flattening of the head, hissing, mock strikes, tail rattling and the use of the musk gland can waving of the tail are all pretty much standard procedure. This accounts for why the territoriality score is so much lower than the temperament score. Usually once removed from the enclosure compliance is quick to follow. These episodes with youngsters are fleeting and the keep just has to persevere to get to the compliance stage.
Northern regions of the range are harsh and winters will see the species brumate for a period of the year. As with the rest of the ‘getula’ snakes Eastern Black King snakes have proven to be hardy and easy going snakes.
Maximum record length is 6ft (180cm). The average length usually falls well short of this but would still be in excess of 140cm. The adult size score has then been modified accordingly. A score of 75% may have been a little harsh but it was with maximum size in mind. Most examples will remain at the upper end of the sweet spot we have dictated for size and maximum score. If we were to raise the adult size score to 90%, The overall score would then increase to 86% making it one of the higher scoring species on the website.
King Snakes, particularly the North American King Snakes are eating machines. The babies establish without any drama and seem to grow on just fine. As with their cousins feeding is hardly ever an issue and they are like clockwork with accepting meals. This is true of the Eastern Black King Snakes too.
Enclosure recommendations:
50 ltr, but very large specimens may make this style inappropriate
120cm x 45cm x 45cm
Budget rig: -
40cm x 30cm heat pad
On / off thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Warm hide
Cool hide
Water bowl
Recommended rig (vivarium only): -
250w ceramic heat emitter
Ceramic lamp holder and bracket
Bulb guard
Day night thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Various logs and caves along the thermal gradient
Damp hide
Climbing and exercise branches
Plants and foliage (live or artificial – your choice)
Water bowl
UVB light (8w T5 shade dweller 7% kit from Arcadia or equivalent) (optional)
Subterranean section to vivarium for further psychological security (optional)
Climate analysis:
Climate data across the range shows winter lows to t least 0°c on average and sometimes even lower to -5°c or more. It is safe therefore to say a protracted period of time will be spent in brumation waiting for more clement weather to return. Summer Peak temperatures just break through the 30°c marker on average for a relatively short summer before receeding at pace to the winter lows. Animals will have to actively hunt and consume as much as possible before the winter shut down. In captivity this may translate in mature animals to a period of self imposed fasting, particularly with males. This of course is not a bad thing necessarily as many captive kings snakes are overfed to such an extent that obesity is an issue.
Far rarer in the UK hobby than the Mexican Black King Snake but in its shadow none the less. A shame really as it is of far more even temperament than the Mexican Black and in certain cases can be just as ‘black’. This species is a pleasure to keep and will make a superb pet. The issue here is the blackest of the animals will be the most popular because for some reason that is what is most desired meaning the likelihood is animals showing the remnants of speckling or saddles will fall by the wayside. This is erroneous on the part of the breeder however as solid black adults do NOT make solid black babies. We know this, we bred them. Conversely two heavily patterned examples will also produce black babies.