

Species Notes based on experiences:
Japanese Rat Snakes are simply wonderful snakes. Whether they are the olive and grass greens of the mainland varieties or the wonderful cyan blue of the Kunishir locality they are attractive snakes. There is a naturally occurring albino variety that is sacred in Japan and also available within the hobby. Babies can be a little defensive but on the whole will tame down wonderfully.
Score analysis:
Considering how tame we previously mentioned this species is a score of 85% may seem harsh. This is actually down to the fact that post brumation they are so voracious for food they can become incredibly food orientated. Some keepers don’t brumate them and this evens out temperament but will affect food intake considerably. Many animals will actively fast in winter and sometimes it just makes more sense to let them sleep. Babies can be a little edgy and may rattle their tail, in extreme cases they may even bite. This abates with time and they will quickly tame down. In fact Japanese Rat Snake individuals can be some of the very tamest snakes kept.
Territoriality manifests itself as tail rattling and bluff striking. Occasionally the deployment of the musk gland may be encountered. This is nearly always when dealing with babies, adults are wonderfully compliant animals that rarely react badly to being disturbed (unless fresh out of brumation and on the lookout for food)
Japanese Rat snakes are very hardy animals, easily parallel to the Northern US Rat Snakes if not hardier. These are not needy snakes and adapt to most care without fuss. Respiratory illnesses are very rarely encountered if at all. They feed for the most part reliably regardless of handling and interaction. A very steady snake. The only time the wheels may come off slightly is in the run up to winter with sexually mature animals, particularly males whom will fast and begin to sulk wanting to go to sleep.
A mid sized Rat Snake just outgrowing a Corn Snake. Exceptional snakes can reach 6ft in length. Anything from 4.5-5.5ft is more common place. Adults have large defined heads and carry suprising mass. This may be a bit much for some keepers but this could quite well be being overly picky. Japanese Rat Snakes are manageable for most if not all keepers.
For the most part Japanese Rat Snakes are fantastic feeders. They are good sized baby snakes and will only spend a short period of time on pink mice. They quickly progress onto fuzzy mice and will grow at a very expedient rate. For the first 2-3 years this will be the case. The only time issues begin to arise is with fasting mature animals. This is normal and part of their natural lifecycle. Don’t let it stress the keeper. It is one of those things. Inevitably it may just be easier to brumate the snake and let it sleep. When it awakes from slumber their appetite usually returns with a bang.
Enclosure recommendations:
not appropriate long term and may only be a stop gap solution to grow the baby snake on in.
120cm x 60cm x 60cm
Budget rig: -
40cm x 30cm heat pad
On / off thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Warm hide
Cool hide
Water bowl
Recommended rig (vivarium only): -
250w ceramic heat emitter
Ceramic lamp holder and bracket
Bulb guard
Day night thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Various logs and caves along the thermal gradient
Damp hide
Climbing and exercise branches
Plants and foliage (live or artificial – your choice)
Water bowl
UVB light (8w T5 shade dweller 7% kit from Arcadia or equivalent) (optional)
Subterranean section to vivarium for further psychological security (optional)
Climate analysis:
Depending upon the island of origin winter lows can reach -10°c. This is pretty harsh and rivals the Northern Midwest United States. Sumer highs can vary between 25-30°c although surface temperatures would comfortably exceed this. Rainfall and wet season is difficult to define. Extreme fluctuations North to South through the 3 chosen locales means the median rainfall is almost linear year round. Temperature is more likely to act as a breeding trigger than precipitation.
A very popular pet snake with good reason. They generally become wonderfully tame and blue examples can be some of the most beautiful Rat Snakes. Would be keepers would need to factor in a period when adult animals will want to sleep so the keeper would have to be prepared for a period of the year where the snake is not around to be handled.
The photographic content below courtesy of Francis Cosquieri. He retains the copyright for these photographs. Please do not reproduce without consent.
Mainland Japanese Rat Snakes

The photographic content below courtesy of Francis Cosquieri. He retains the copyright for these photographs. Please do not reproduce without consent.
Kunishir Island Japanese Rat Snakes