Species Notes based on experiences:
Amur Rat Snakes are wonderful snakes but can be a real pain to differentiate from Russian Rat Snakes when babies. Rather than blackening off like their Russian counterpart they keep their saddles and their palette browns and yellows out. This is somewhat more subdued than the Russain but still attractive none the less. Totally tame and compliant Amur Rat snakes are relatively common but there are examples that will remain standoffish with their keeper. This coupled with their larger size can make for an intimidating prospect for novice keepers. The key will be handling the individual and assessing its personality prior to purchase.
Score analysis:
8.5/10 times you will end up with a snake with a great temperament. This particularly applies to older animals that become socialised over time. Babies may be a little more stand offish. Occasional animals will remain problematic into older age. This animal if stressed or threatened may deploy the use of its musk gland which emits a foul odour from the vent.
Babies need to get used to interaction. This may lead to a period where the snake pushes the boundaries. As long as you roll with this the behaviour will disappear. Older animals will often not even flinch upon you entering the vivarium and make wonderful pets.
This is a seriously tough snake. It occurs from North Korea up through the South Western States of China. Winter day time highs and Night time lows can drop well below zero. In parts of the range maybe even as low as -20°c. By snake standards this is extreme and means that you are looking at one of the toughest of all colubrids that be kept as a pet. Because upwards of six months of the year is inclement this species may only be active and feeding for half of the year.
Adult Korean Rat Snakes have large heads and surprisingly large bodies easily reaching 6ft (1.8m) in length in captivity. There is a risk therefore that a novice keeper could be intimidated by a larger snake having a bad day. This of course is down to the individual snake. For the most part they are wonderfully compliant.
Amur Rat Snakes are feeding machines. They have big appetites and fast metabolisms. This is down to origin, they need to process food fast and get the benefit. Remember they are asleep in the wild for up to 6 months of the year. In mature animals this may cause them to start stuttering with food intake. This is normal. It is during this period it would be recommended to brumate them regardless of breeding intentions.
Enclosure recommendations:
not appropriate long term and may only be a stop gap solution to grow the baby snake on in.
120cm x 60cm x 60cm
Budget rig: -
40cm x 30cm heat pad
On / off thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Warm hide
Cool hide
Water bowl
Recommended rig (vivarium only): -
250w ceramic heat emitter
Ceramic lamp holder and bracket
Bulb guard
Day night thermostat
Digital thermometer to monitor thermostat performance
Various logs and caves along the thermal gradient
Damp hide
Climbing and exercise branches
Plants and foliage (live or artificial – your choice)
Water bowl
UVB light (8w T5 shade dweller 7% kit from Arcadia or equivalent) (optional)
Subterranean section to vivarium for further psychological security (optional)
Climate analysis:
Harsh. That about sums things up nicely. When it is summer it is warm at best and very moist. When it is cold it is truly frigid. In Jilin China winter cool temperatures may reach -20°c. Summer peaks are between 25-29°c air temperature (we could expect surface temperatures to be comfortably above this). Ignoring their natural climate range in captivity will not benefit the snake. Their natural body clock particularly when adult will result in intermittent feeding and fasting periods. It becomes apparent after a while the snake wants to go to sleep. Why fight it? Prospective keepers need therefore to be aware for a period of the year their snake will not be in a position to be handled regularly.
An underrated and often overshadowed species of Rat Snake usually by its cousin the Russian Rat Snake (Elaphe schrenckii). There are a lot of parallels in care with the Russian Rat Snake. Hard to believe but the Russian Rat Snake has it even worse when it comes to their natual climate range. A Snake who benefits from the keeper spending time with their snake. Once socialised this is a wonderful inquisitive slow moving species that can be totally trustworthy.
The photographic content below courtesy of Francis Cosquieri. He retains the copyright for these photographs. Please do not reproduce without consent.